Tomorrow matters

Bondalti is a company with a vision for the future, and with the capacity and will to be part of the solution and to continue to generate a positive impact on society through its products, solutions and processes. This guideline finds full expression in its motto “Tomorrow Matters”.

Thinking about tomorrow is a trait that goes back to the origins of the company and which still today underpins its corporate purpose: “To contribute to a better world through creating innovative and sustainable chemistry”.

Bondalti is built on sustainability and on its three – economic, environmental and social – pillars through circularity, efficient processes, the strength of its partnerships and responsible action, unquestionable concepts in a company set on sustainable growth, which it promotes organically along with those around it.

At the environmental level, coexistence between people and the planet nowadays poses new and demanding challenges. Halting climate change, caused mainly by a considerable dependence on fossil fuels, requires a decisive step, that of the decarbonisation of the economy.

The targets it has set for energy transition reflect, once again, its ambition and its contribution to a better world: achieving carbon neutrality in 2030 and full climate neutrality in 2050. Because tomorrow matters.