
Bondalti supports researchers in Aveiro

The Gray Tarambola and the Red Leg, abundant bird species in the Aveiro region, will be tracked with the contribution of Bondalti, during the long migration they are preparing to begin.

Bondalti is supporting for the second consecutive year the “Wetlands and Waterbirds” project, developed by the Center for Environmental and Sea Studies (CESAM), of the University of Aveiro. It is an initiative that aims to study the ecology of shorebirds, which choose coastal wetlands as their habitat, usually estuaries and lagoons, and which are known for their vast migrations.

Bondalti will offer five tags (GPS locators) for placement in specimens of the Grey-legged Tarambola-Tarambola-Vermelha species, which will allow monitoring the migratory journey that will now begin. The data collected will be integrated into a doctoral thesis and the subsequent preparation of scientific articles.

This support is part of the company's Social and Corporate Responsibility program with the surrounding community, which over the years has included a strong component in the field of Animal and Nature conservation.

Last year, Bondalti contributed similar equipment to another CESAM project, dedicated to the study of Colhereiros, a bird species abundant in the Aveiro region.