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In this Bondalti space, texts, infographics, films and photos are combined to give you a better and more rigorous knowledge of the world of chemistry. About the great discoveries, about the impact that chemistry has on other sciences, about its indispensable influence on our daily lives. On our health and well-being. Because at Bondalti we're sure that Tomorrow Matters.

Content for you to discover


Green Chemistry: How e-fuels will change the energy that moves us

Synthetic fuels, known as e-fuels, are gaining prominence as a sustainable alternative to those derived from fossil fuels. But what exactly are they, and what challenges do they face?

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Green Chemistry: How e-fuels will change the energy that moves us

Synthetic fuels, known as e-fuels, are gaining prominence as a sustainable alternative to those derived from fossil fuels. But what exactly are they, and what challenges do they face?

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Fireworks: Chemistry and Art on the Canvas of the Skies

Fireworks fill the skies with brilliance and colour, captivating crowds with their unpredictable shapes and intricate geometries. Beyond the spectacle, it represents a remarkable blend of art and science, incorporating a wide range of elements, each contributing distinct effects through complex interactions.

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Biogas: Europe's new bet

With biogas, the chemical sector is once again showing that it is part of the solution to today's major climate and geopolitical challenges. Renewable fuel of engine that transforms environmental liabilities into energy assets, biogas is gaining momentum. energy assets, biogas is gaining new prominence.

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The surprising chemistry of wine

How does a simple grape transform into the "nectar of the gods"? The power of chemistry begins long before the harvest. And it’s not all about the fruit.

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Lightning: the spectacular beauty of chemistry

Lightning during a thunderstorm: an awe-inspiring natural spectacle that comes from a simple chemical interaction. And despite the myths, it has beneficial effects. For example, cleaning up air pollution.

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Periodic Table: the home of pure substances

All the known elements in the universe are brought together in a single table, a tool that took more than a century to build. And it may not be finished yet.

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The mysteries of water

Seemingly simple, lacking in colour and taste; water’s unique properties, which make the world we live in possible, can be surprising. And the more scientists examine the element H2O, the stranger it seems.

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The sustainable lightness of lithium

Lithium is a very light metal whose high energy storage capacity has earned it the nickname "white petrol". This material plays an important role in the global energy transition and is essential for the production of electric batteries.

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Biogas: the energy value of waste

Biogas is a renewable biofuel with a high energy content, produced from waste biomass. It represents an increasingly viable alternative to fossil energy sources, with a strong contribution to the circularity of resources.

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Water, source of life and progress

Turning on a tap at home to quench your thirst or to make water circulate in a cooling system at an industrial facility are very different in terms of objectives, but have a common denominator: they require treated water. To get there, it had to pass through a long process of investigation, the result of which is, for many, one of the greatest achievements of the last millennium.

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Bondalti Chemistry

Dos isocianuratos clorados à hidrazina, passando pela diclorofenilsulfona ou o fosgénio. Desconhecidos e difíceis de pronunciar? É muito provável. Mas estes são apenas alguns exemplos dos mais de 30 derivados do cloro que têm uma enorme influência nas nossas vidas – segurança incluída.

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