
Bondalti renews certification as a “Family-Responsible Company”

Bondalti was once again awarded the “Family-Responsible Company” (efr) certification, awarded by the Másfamilia Foundation and ACEGE - Christian Association of Entrepreneurs and Managers. The award ceremony took place in Lisbon, at the CUF Tejo facilities, with the presence of representatives from around 60 companies, including Alexandra Paiva, Culture Coordinator of the Bondalti People's Department.

Aiming to distinguish between personal, family and professional life balance policies, this Bondalti certification results from the adoption of a people management model based on values such as flexibility, diversity, personal development and reconciliation, materialized in a plan that includes more than five dozen measures.

Bondalti has been certified since 2020 and has now renewed this distinction for another three years. The certification is awarded after an independent external auditing process, lasting from six months to one year.