
Volunteer Day 2023 supported Community Center in Carcavelos

Over one hundred people from the various companies of the José de Mello Group, including several Bondalti employees, came together to participate in the José de Mello Group Volunteer Day, an initiative that took place for the twelfth consecutive year.

This year, the action was organized in partnership with the Carcavelos Parish Community Center (CCPC), whose mission is to respond to and resolve the social needs of children, seniors, drug addicts, the homeless and the unemployed, as well as their families, namely in situations of need, immigration or unemployment.

The morning was dedicated to various activities, including the painting of walls, interiors and exteriors, a need identified by the CCPC as a priority, since the last painting had been carried out in 2015, also by the volunteers of the José de Mello Group. After the work was finished, lunch and a moment of conviviality followed.

Promoted with the support of the Amélia de Mello Foundation, the José de Mello Group Volunteer Program is a cross-cutting initiative common to all participating companies and is addressed to the Group's approximately 13,000 employees. The objective is to pursue the commitment to develop socially responsible business, both in the present and in the future.

See the video of this day.